Monday, September 9, 2013


Hello there, we are semester 4 students of Interactive Multimedia Design. Our names are Amirah Shukri and Woo Lai Yenn and we teamed up for this module, Experiential Design, to work on an Augmented Reality game.

 Before we proceed, we have done a number of research on Augmented Reality and what it takes to develop a good AR game. 
We chose Augmented Reality, also known as AR, because it is very different from we are exposed to and it is also the latest technology in the industry. We would like to go to the extent of challenging ourselves and to explore the many possibilities that AR can offer.

We were researching on what type of AR products were there in the industry when we came across this video. We find it intriguing on how people could interact with the virtual game as if it was there. This brings video games up to a whole new level and we hope to be able to come up with something similar.

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-Amirah Shukri & Lai Yenn- 


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