Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Consulting with the Expert.

We've spoken to Mr.Razif, sound designer and Flash game expert who also happened to be our lecturer in our previous semester. We explained to him about the idea that we had in mind, about how we wanted to incorporate AR into our game. He said he has only tried AR once, but he asked us to come up with a sketch of our ideas and show it to him so that he has a better understanding on how to help us out.

Nevertheless, he said he'll try to work something out for us in the meanwhile. 


UPDATE [20th September 2013]
We asked him on our technical issues, like if we could include randomizer and input Flash into AR. He said it was possible, with a Flash input called Adobe AIR for iOS. But he mentioned that he is more familiar with ARmedia, which is the first software that we looked into.

Right now, we have 3 softwares to try out, which is ARmedia, Metaio and D'Fusion.

-Amirah & Angie -  


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