Monday, October 14, 2013

Using ARmedia

I've been searching for tutorials online for ARmedia and so far, there weren't many tutorial videos available on Youtube besides the ones that we've posted on earlier posts.

But I've manage to find a couple of videos that displays how ARmedia works on iOS and Android.
For iOS

For Android

I've also managed to find another video that shows how ARmedia supports animation, although the animation was done with Autodesk 3ds Max instead of Autodesk Maya.
ARmedia supports basic animations or 3ds Max.  

And on their official forum, they have several methods on overcoming some of ARmedia's limitation when using Maya. 

For instance, ARPlugin only supports several materials which are; Lambert, Blinn and Phong. Any other materials would be displayed as a grey Lambert. And as for the animations, they do not support animation systems that uses Motion Path or Constraint. Instead, they offered a solution by using a Bake Simulation technique that is available in Maya itself. 



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