Monday, October 21, 2013

Character re-design

For the previous character design, we received feedbacks from Mr Muzamir:
- Character has no root.
- Needs more stylization on colors, cartoons style and strokes.
- Clean up the strokes.

Therefore I have done a few research on cartoon characters and the style. 

What I wanted was a character that has a human feature but at the same time cartoon-ish and stylized. 
The main character, Adrian also has a cheeky and playful nature, therefore it should reflect on its face. 
Some good examples can be seen below:

Cheeky boy characters are usually with a cap and has a mischievous look, that can be achieved through the eyes and mouth.

The style that I am interested in which has a cartoon element but also has a human feature which is noticeable.

Cartoon from "Calvin and Hobbes" is also used as reference and is my favorite style among others. 
A style that Lai Yenn was interested in is known as the chibi style which plays with proportion. It has a big head and a small body and usually comes with big eyes. 

 Characters that inspired Lai Yenn are chibi characters like Ni Hao, Kai Lan and Pucca.

 Both of us re-designed Adrian, of different styles, but the same colour scheme that we've come up with earlier. 
Left: Designed by Amirah, Right: Designed by Lai Yenn.

Amirah & Angie. 


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