Monday, November 4, 2013

Research on Colours

We were asked to do some research on colours that would appeal to children, so I went on Google and here is what I've discovered.

  • BlueIn a study at the Surrey Baby Lab, babies tended to look longer at certain colors for the longest amount of time. One of these colors in the study was blue. Much of this hue's appeal is in the type of feelings it conjures. Blue is often associated with mellow feelings like peace, tranquility and calmness. Blue is synonymous with water, ocean life and swimming pools.

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  • RedAnother bright color that has mass appeal with children is red. An emotionally intense color, red has high visibility, which is the reason it is used for stop signs, traffic lights and fire equipment. When you see something red coming your way, you are not likely to miss it. Red is also used in many ways to indicate courage and valor.

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  • OrangeOrange is a very hot color that is also very highly accepted by young people. Not as aggressive as red, the hue increases oxygen supply to the brain, according to Color Wheel Pro. This effect creates a sensation of heat and produces an invigorating effect in the brain, which then stimulates mental activity. Orange is also a popular color because it is the color of many citrus fruits as well as the shade associated with fall and harvest.

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  • PurpleRarely found in nature, purple combines two other popular colors to produce a powerful color on its own. According to Color Wheel Pro, purple has the stability properties of blue with the energetic capabilities of red. It is often associated with magic, wisdom and mystery. Purple is often a favorite color with pre-adolescent children, but babies also showed interest in the color during the Surrey Baby Lab study. Purple makes a great color for girls fashion but it is also a color fit for a king because may royal robes are dyed in this particular hue.

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Most of the websites also states that children prefers blocks of bright primary colours, particularly red, as red is the first colour that they distinguish. 


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